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Build an App-Like Airbnb: A Comprehensive Guide!

306 Views | 6 min | Published On: February 28, 2024 Last Updated: April 12, 2024

Airbnb stands out as one of the world's most popular rental booking services. And obviously, for good reasons – it offers flexibility, affordability, and experience of local culture.

If you are planning to build an Airbnb clone and want to hit the mark, you must choose the proper steps. The success of Airbnb has inspired many entrepreneurs to build similar apps; however, it requires strategic planning and execution.

And that's what we'll cover in today's guide, where we will thoroughly cover all aspects of Airbnb-like app development, including development steps, features, cost, and more. 

Let’s delve in!

What’s the Idea Behind Airbnb?

The idea behind Airbnb is quite simple – to rent out your properties or spare rooms to travelers for a specified period. The Airbnb app for hosts allows them to generate extra income, while also offering affordable alternatives to standard hotels. 

Let’s look at the latest data– 

The Airbnb platform facilitates the connection between hosts and guests. It streamlines the process by enabling both parties to communicate, arrange stays, and negotiate terms.

This concept benefits both parties economically and promotes cultural exchange, which builds trust and a sense of community. 

Airbnb Business Model Canvas & Revenue Model

The Airbnb business model canvas details key partners, operations, channels, value propositions, resources, and customer relationships. It also outlines Airbnb's revenue sources and cost structure.

Airbnb business model canvas

Revenue Model: How Does Airbnb Generate Money?

Airbnb allows guests to explore and choose appropriate rooms on the platform and gives property owners free listings. There are two primary revenue streams for the company: 

Commission from Property Owners (Hosts) Airbnb charges hosts a flat 14-16% commission but it varies on cancellation policy and duration of stay.
Transaction Fee from Travelers (Guests) Airbnb levies a 3% transaction fee on the booking amount from travelers for each confirmed reservation.

These sources of income allow Airbnb to maintain operations and expand its base while offering value to hosts and visitors.

3 Reasons Why You Should Invest in Holiday Rental Apps like Airbnb

Investing in holiday rental apps like Airbnb seems daunting, but we are here to clear your doubts. We've listed three compelling reasons to invest in Airbnb-like app development. 

1. Strong Market Demand

A recent survey indicates that 64% of Americans intend to rent vacation homes in 2023. When it comes to booking accommodations, the majority of travelers (85%) favor Airbnb.

The travel industry continuously evolves, with many travelers seeking authentic and unique experiences. Tourists prefer affordable stays over expensive hotels. 

Holiday rental apps cater to all the demands of tourists and a wide range of accommodation options. Moreover, this diversity attracts travelers looking for personalized experiences and ultimately drives the growth of rented apps like Airbnb.

2. Growth Opportunities

Vacation rental apps like Airbnb have expanded rapidly and attracted users from all over the world. The number of users in this market is also expected to increase to 64.10m users by 2028.

This platform has connected people from diverse locations, facilitating transactions across borders. Investing in these platforms offers the potential for quick growth and widespread use because of their scalability, which opens access to a substantial market of travelers and property owners.

3. Lucrative Profits

The Vacation Rentals market in the United States is projected to generate a revenue of US$19.77bn by 2024.

Holiday rental apps like Airbnb offer lucrative opportunities to generate revenue via various channels. It includes service fees, subscription models, booking fees, etc. Some apps offer premium features for hosts and guests to obtain enhanced visibility, tracking features, and more. 

These platforms are appealing investment options because they can attain high-profit margins through effective cost structures and revenue-sharing mechanisms.

How Does Airbnb Work for Hosts and Guests?

Airbnb has two types of users – Hosts and Guests. To make an app like Airbnb, you must understand how the app works for both these parties. 

For Host Segment

Let’s first understand how Airbnb works for the host segment:

For Guest Segment

Now, let’s understand how Airbnb works for Guests:

Must-Have Features to Include in an Airbnb-like App?

Following, we’ve discussed essential features to incorporate into your Airbnb-like app. Here’s the breakdown in three segments – guest/ users panel, host/property owner panel, and admin panel. 

Let’s check:

a) Key Features for User/Guest Panel

Check the listed essential features for the user/guest panel for the Airbnb-like app:

Key features for guest panel for airbnb like app

b) Key Features for Host/Property Owner Panel

Check the listed essential features for the host/property owner panel for the Airbnb-like app:

Key features for host panel for airbnb like app

c) Key Features for Admin Panel

Check the listed essential features for the admin panel for the Airbnb-like app:

Key features for admin panel for airbnb like app

How to Build a Platform Like Airbnb: Step-by-Step Guide

The right strategy roadmap determines the success of any business, and the development of an Airbnb-like app is no exception. Let’s delve into the steps involved in it:

Stage 1: Planning

In planning, you must recognize market demand, customer preferences, and competitors. Specify the features, advantages, and target audience you want to serve. Using Airbnb is a model for inspiration, and developing your strategy alongside it will help you create a solid roadmap for further ahead.  

Stage 2: Platform Selection

Decide whether you want to opt for Android, iOS, or both or cross-platform development frameworks like Flutter or React Native. 

Note that your choice of platform will impact the time, cost, and resources involved in app development. 

Stage 3: UI/UX Design

Among other aspects, one thing that has led Airbnb to set itself apart from its competitors is its – UI/UX design. 

Airbnb design is intuitive, accessible, and user-friendly. It makes the app easy to use, attractive in design, and convenient for users. 

Keeping all these aspects in mind, you can get started with this stage – to design to attract users to your app. 

Create a thorough plan for your app, including mockups and wireframes. Ensure the user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) are visually appealing, accessible, and easy to use. 

Stage 4: Features & Functionality

What makes your app unique from others? – Features & Functionalities. Incorporating amazing features in your Airbnb-similar app will enhance seamless navigation and customer experience. 

You can implement basic features such as booking management, messaging, reviews and ratings, and user profiles in your app. However, it won’t be able to garner as much attention from users as it will with advanced feature apps like map integration, real-time notifications, and social sharing. 

However, to build a low-cost Airbnb-like app – you can opt for this method during the initial stage. Then, we can move to the MVP (Minimum Viable Product). 

Here, you can launch your Airbnb clone app with basic features. Once it is launched and you've tested the waters – you can opt for the fully-developed app by obtaining funds from investors. 

This way, you can build your app with limited resources, analyze the market, and go for a fully developed app later.

If you want to know more about MVP, contact Apptunix Experts!

Stage 5: Development Process

The Development process of an Airbnb-like app involves certain key stages. Developers choose the right platform and tech stack for app development.

They also put the backend infrastructure needed for data storage, content distribution, and user authentication in place. 

Tech Stack:

  • Programming Languages: Kotlin, Swift, JavaScript
  • Frameworks: Flutter, Node JS, React Native
  • Database: SQL Server, MongoDB, PostgreSQL
  • Cloud Storage: Google Cloud, Azure

Step 6: Testing & Launching

It's time to test and launch your app. The app is tested across a variety of platforms and operating systems to identify, track down, and resolve any faults or incompatibilities. Exact user testing is also necessary to gather input on the functionality and usability of the app. 

Developers optimize performance and complete settings to get the app ready for launch on the Apple Store or Google Play Store.

After everything is authorized, the app is made available online, and its developers keep an eye on user comments and its functionality.

Step 7: Support & Maintenance

It is crucial to improve the performance of your app constantly. As your user base expands, offer continuing assistance to respond to comments from users, enhance features, resolve problems, and guarantee scalability.

With the help of analytics data and user input, you can determine what needs to be improved. Iterate on your app often to enhance user experience and stay ahead in the market.

How Much Does it Cost to Build an App Like Airbnb? [Estimated Cost]

The overall development cost to develop an app like Airbnb depends on several factors. It includes:

  • Project Complexity, 
  • Features & functionalities, 
  • Team Size and Location,
  • Tech Stack,
  • Design, and so on.

However, the estimated cost of an Airbnb-like app development with basic features ranges between $25,000 and $50,000. The cost significantly increases with advanced features, up to $80,000 or above. 

Let Apptunix Create Your Next-Level Airbnb App!

To get started with your dream project, you must collaborate with Apptunix, a leading mobile app development company. Wondering how to make an Airbnb clone app successful?– For that, you must partner with Apptunix to build a solid vacation rental app like Airbnb. 

Our experienced team of mobile app developers, designers, and other professionals understand the intricacies of complex projects. Without a reliable team, you might face several challenges to kick-start your business and make it a huge success. Contact us right now to begin working on your dream project to build an Airbnb-like app and discuss your app's specific needs and requirements.


Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

Q 1.Who built the Airbnb app?

The company was founded in 2007 by Brian Chesky, Nathan Blecharczyk, and Joe Gebbia. Its official website ‘’ was officially launched on August 11, 2008


Q 2.How long does it take to develop an app like Airbnb?

Developing an app like Airbnb may take several months to a year. It all depends on the project’s complexity, integration of features/functionalities, and other factors. To learn more, get in touch with Apptunix experts.


Q 3.How much does it cost to build an app like Airbnb?

The cost to create an app like Airbnb ranges between $25,000 and $80,000 or above, depending on features, design, and other aspects.


Q 4.What are the different methods to monetize my vacation rental app?

You can monetize your vacation rental app through commission fees on bookings, promoting ads, collaborating with local service providers for referrals, and offering premium listings. 


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