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How Much Does it Cost to Build an Educational App?

126 Views | 8 min | Published On: April 25, 2024 Last Updated: April 29, 2024

Undoubtedly, the educational app market is booming, offering lucrative investment opportunities. Research indicates it will grow to $686.9 billion by the year 2030. 

For those planning to step into the thriving EdTech market by building an educational app – it is highly crucial to understand the financial considerations involved. It will help you to navigate and plan a strategic roadmap that ensures your app’s success on a significant scale.

In today’s guide, we’ll delve into various factors influencing the cost of educational app development, step-by-step insights, strategies for cost optimisation, and much more. 

Let’s get started!


Market Overview: Educational App

educational app market overview

Educational App Development Cost Based on Types

Check the following to understand the cost of educational apps based on types:

educational app types and cost

Top Factors that Influence the Cost of Educational App

Here we’ve listed the top factors that impact the development cost of educational apps. Let’s learn:

1. Project’s Complexity

The project’s complexity impacts the development cost of educational apps. It depends on certain factors such as features & functionalities, UX UI design, tech stack, and much more. 

If you are planning to build a simple or basic educational app – it will incorporate limited features with a basic design. On the contrary, advanced educational apps will require advanced features & functionalities, top-quality design, and tech stack – which will be expensive. 

2. The Platform that You Choose

The platform you choose (Android, iOS, or Cross-Platform) to build an educational app impacts the overall development cost. For a single platform, development costs will be less expensive compared to developing for both iOS and Android. 

3. UX UI Design 

Without a question, an app that is aesthetically pleasing, simple to use, and intuitive will draw in more users. To offer a better user experience, you must invest in UX UI design, which includes layout, color scheme, and other visual components. Ultimately, it will contribute to enhanced customer satisfaction and user experience.  

4. Features & Functionalities

Incorporating advanced features and functionalities such as artificial intelligence or machine learning in your educational app will cost you more. The estimated cost to build an advanced educational app can range from $300,000 or above. 

However, if you are looking for a cost-effective approach for your educational mobile app development – you can opt for the MVP (Minimum Viable Product) approach. 

Here you can launch your app with basic or limited features and test it in the market for a specific period. Once you have tested the water, you can go for a fully-developed educational app with advanced features and functionality. 

Planning to launch your educational app with an MVP approach – get in touch with Apptunix today and start your educational app development journey on a low-cost budget. 

5. Location of Development Team

The geographical location of the development team highly impacts the cost of building an educational app. Due to variations in labor prices, market demand, and overhead expenses, development rates vary from one country to the next. It will cost more to hire a development team in North America or Europe than in Southeast Asian nations like India.

Get in touch with Apptunix if you are looking to work with a mobile app development firm that is both affordable and provides excellent quality.  


Top 10 Features to Include in Your Educational App 

features to include in educational app

Educational applications are generally accessible on the market and come with a wide range of features. So, we’ve selected and listed the top features that you must incorporate in your educational app. Let’s learn:

1. Robust Database and Sharing

A robust database can be used to store and retrieve course materials, lectures, exams, and other educational materials in an organized manner. 

By incorporating sharing tools, users can share content with teachers, colleagues, or fellow students to collaborate and exchange knowledge.

2. Video-Based Content

Implementing video-based content helps to boost learning experiences. Videos are tailored in ways that suit the needs of users such as demos, interviews, lectures, and documentaries. 

3. Push Notifications

Push notifications are essential for keeping users engaged and updated about deadlines, events, announcements, updates, and new content within the app. Users may be inspired to revisit the app and keep tabs on their academic achievement by personalized alerts. 

4. Gamification

To make learning more engaging and fun, gamification elements such as prizes, badges, and leaderboards are incorporated. Additionally, it motivates users to take initiative, drives them to finish tasks, and provides them a sense of success.  

5. Social Media Integration

Users can interact and communicate with educators, instructors, and other professionals in the field of education by integrating social media aspects. Students can network, collaborate, and have more fun when they use social sharing, commenting, liking, and following capabilities. 

6. Live Tutorials and Sessions

Teachers and students can interact in real-time when tutorials, webinars, or virtual classroom sessions are facilitated. 

Through the facilitation of Q&A sessions, presentations, demonstrations, and group learning activities, live sessions increase comprehension and participation. 

7. Payment Mechanism

Users can access premium content, courses, or features within the app by providing a secure payment method. 

An array of customizable payment methods, including one-time charges, subscriptions, and in-app purchases, guarantee the educational app's long-term sustainability and profitability. 

8. Session Recordings

Participants can revisit the material at their convenience when lectures or sessions are recorded. Session recordings accommodate a variety of schedules and learning preferences by enabling self-paced topic study, reinforcement, and learning. 

9. Filter & Search Bar

With the use of a filter and search box, users may quickly find relevant data, courses, resources, or instructors within the app. The user experience is enhanced overall by the addition of filters, sorting options, and sophisticated search features to enhance navigation and usability. 

10. Progress Tracking

It is highly crucial to assess the performance of users and provide customized feedback so that they can stay on track. 

Few examples of features that helps to measure progress includes tests, assessments, progress reports, and learning analytics. It assists to measure progress and set goals for improvement. 

Step-by-Step Process of eLearning or Educational App 

step-by-step process of educational app or elearning app

It is essential to comprehend the sequential procedure before diving into the e-learning or educational app development process.  Let’s learn:

Step 1: Market Research

Understanding your target audience's needs, interests, and behaviors is a necessary part of market research. Determine who your target market is, research the competition, and learn about the newest trends and technology in the e-learning and educational app industries.

Step 2: Features & Functionalities

Outline the key features and functionalities your e-learning or educational software will provide based on your market study. 

Interactive lectures, discussion boards, quizzes, progress monitoring, support for multimedia content, and more might fall under this category. Sort features according to the needs and preferences of the user.

Step 3: Design & Development

Make sure your app's user interface (UI) and user experience (UX) are intuitive, aesthetically pleasing, and available on a variety of platforms and devices. 

Utilizing the proper frameworks and technologies, develop the application with performance, security, and scalability in mind.

Step 4: Testing

Make sure your software is fully tested to find and address any bugs, flaws, or usability problems. This covers performance testing, security testing, compatibility testing with various hardware and operating systems, and functionality testing. After receiving input from beta testers, make the required adjustments.

Step 5: Launching your App

Create marketing collateral, plan your launch, and set up app store listings in advance of your app's release. For distribution and marketing, work with app shops. 

Following the launch, keep an eye on the app's performance, seek user input, and iterate the app further in light of user insights and industry developments.

Tech Stack Required for Educational App Development

An advanced tech stack for your educational app will cost you more as compared to a basic one. It all depends on your project’s complexity. Below we’ve listed tech stack that would go in educational app development:

Programming Languages

Kotlin, Swift, Java, Obj-C, JavaScript


Xamarin, Node JS, Flutter


SQL Server, MySQL, MongoDB, Oracle


Google Cloud, AW, Azure, Google Cloud


Salt Stack, Docker, SQL Server, Chef, Terraform

Top 4 Strategies to Reduce the Cost of Educational App

strategies to reduce cost of educational app

Below we’ve listed the top strategies to minimize the cost of educational app development. Let’s learn:

1. Define Clear Requirements

Before you begin development, be sure that the needs and scope of your educational app are clearly defined. This includes describing the app's features, functionality, target market, and objectives. You can steer clear of pointless development efforts and expenses by being very clear about what you require.

2. Prioritize Features

For the initial release, prioritize the features that are most important to you over secondary ones by sorting your app's primary features by importance. 

This helps to focus development resources on creating vital additions that provide the most value to users, postponing non-essential items until later versions.

3. Opt for MVP

You can test your idea and gather user feedback by releasing an early version of your educational software that only includes the most crucial features as part of a Minimum Viable Product (MVP). 

By starting with an MVP, iterating quickly in response to user feedback, and gradually adding extra features, you may save development costs.

4. Outsourcing to the Right Mobile App Development Team

Consider giving the creation of your educational app to a reputable mobile app development business or agency with e-learning app development experience. 

Outsourcing enables you to save costs associated with hiring an internal team by utilizing the knowledge and experience of professionals. 

Make sure the team you choose is knowledgeable of your needs, schedule, and budget to get the most value for your money.

Advantages of Educational App Development 

Following, we’ve listed some crucial benefits of educational app development. Let’s learn:

1. Enhanced Engagement

With interactive features such as games, quizzes, and other multimedia content – you can boost active participation and capture user’s attention. 

2. Cost-Effective

The educational app reduces costs related to venue rentals, printing materials, and transportation. Compared to traditional learning methods, the educational app offers an affordable approach and is accessible to a wider range of audience. 

3. Improved Retention

Educational apps improve information retention via interactive learning experiences. Crucial features such as a personalized learning approach, spaced repetition, and gamification help to improve long-term memory retention.

4. Customization

Personalized learning experiences that are catered to each person's interests, learning style, and pace are made possible via educational apps. 

A more efficient and pleasurable learning experience is promoted by the availability of content that is pertinent to users' interests, skill levels, and learning objectives. 

5. Time Efficiency

Educational apps provide flexibility and convenience, allowing users to learn anytime, anywhere, at their own pace. Learners can access content on-demand, eliminating the constraints of traditional classroom schedules and maximizing productivity.

6. 24/7 Availability

Educational apps offer 24/7 availability that enables users to learn whenever they want. It offers convenience to users and enables continuous learning outside of traditional classroom hours. 

How Much Does it Cost to Build an Educational App?

Depending on several variables, the estimated cost to build an educational app is between $25,000 and $50,000. These elements include tech stack, UX/UI design, features and functionality, and more.

Advanced features and functionality, design, and other factors can drive up the cost of development to a level of $80,000 or more

Kickstart Your Educational App Development Journey with Apptunix 

Although, it may seem a simple venture to build an educational app. But it requires highly skilled developers & designers to develop an app that will attract a huge number of users and make your business a huge success. 

For that, you must partner with Apptunix, a leading education app development company. We are a professional team that offers top-notch and end-to-end educational app solutions to our clients with no hidden cost. 

Before developing your scalable and efficient application, we make sure we fully comprehend your target market, company objectives, and other factors.  

So, wait no more – and get started with Apptunix to propel your business to new heights. 



Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

Q 1.What are the different monetization strategies for educational app development?

Different monetization strategies for educational app development include a freemium model, subscription plans, ad-based monetization, in-app purchases, time purchases, corporate partnerships & sponsorships, and more. 

Q 2.How long does it take to build an educational app?

It takes around 4 to 6 months to develop an educational app. Also, it may take longer depending on your project’s complexity. 

Q 3.What are the different types of education apps?

Different types of educational apps include language learning apps, study-matter educational apps, flashcards, kids educational apps, and much more. 

Q 4.Are educational apps profitable?

In 2022 alone, sales from education applications reached $7 billion, with a spike in growth during the pandemic. Up until 2030, revenue is predicted to increase at a CAGR of 8.9%. So, it is profitable to invest in educational apps. 

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