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How Much Does It Cost to Build a Fitness App in 2024?

3860 Views | 2 min | Published On: December 26, 2022 Last Updated: June 5, 2024
cost to build a fitness app

We are now living in an era where the majority of people worldwide are investing a lot in their health. They have not only raised their standard of living but their standard of fitness too.

As a result, the demand for health & fitness apps has increased a lot. You will easily find a variety of these apps on both the App Store and Google Play Store. There is no second opinion that this sector is going to see a sudden boom in the upcoming years. So if you are looking forward to fitness app development in 2024, you are on the right track.

But what’s the major concern of most business owners and entrepreneurs is the cost to build a fitness app from scratch in 2024. If you are one among them, this guide is for you. By the time you finish reading this guide, you will be clear about the estimated cost to develop a fitness app.

So let’s begin without any delay!

What Are the Types of Mobile Fitness Apps?

If we go with the recent statistics, the total health & fitness revenue is expected to show an annual growth rate of 9.90% (CAGR 2022-2026). This can result in a projected market volume of US$9.83bn by 2026.

Undoubtedly one of the reasons why you will easily find a variety of health & fitness apps in the market. If we go with some of the major mobile fitness apps, these are categorized as

fitness app development cost

1. Workout Apps: Usually, most of the workout regimes presented on apps are not customized and only offer useful information regarding particular exercises, burned calories, or which muscle group they target. These types of apps allow users to make informed decisions by letting them select their own exercise routine. These act as personal coaches.

2. Activity Tracking Apps: These types of apps track physical activities like the number of steps, distance covered, speed, etc. Activity-tracking fitness apps can also measure heart rate, blood pressure, and various other health parameters with the help of wearable devices that can be integrated with the app.

3. Diet & Nutrition Apps: These types of apps enable users to keep track of food intake, calories consumed, and other such parameters. Users can set the app as per their preferences like vegan, vegetarian, intermittent fasting, keto, etc. to get a proposed meal plan. Apart from this, these apps allow users to connect with professional dieticians across the world.

4. Meditation & Yoga Apps: This app category offers users, tutorials on yoga workouts, and making correct yoga poses. These apps also offer guided meditation to get maximum benefits. Apart from this, users can utilize these apps to become a part of the yoga community to share experiences, gain inspiration and perform better.

fitness app development cost

Market Leaders of the Fitness App Industry

When it comes to the best health & fitness mobile app, there is a defined list of market leaders that have performed exceptionally well in the past few months.

According to apptopia, Sweatcoin remained the leading health & fitness mobile app with 34 million downloads worldwide in H1 2022. Then comes PeduliLindungi which has 32 million global downloads. Even the blood pressure measurement app named Blood Pressure App has experienced a massive 25 million downloads worldwide.

top fitness apps

Interesting Fact: If we go with Forbes, video workout apps experience 65% more downloads as compared to non-video-based workout apps. Apart from this, video workout apps got 40% more daily active users, and generated 15% more revenue.

fitness app case study

5- Factors Affecting the Cost of Fitness App Development

Developing a fitness app that can not only beat the market competition but also earns revenue is a difficult job at hand. It demands a complete strategy considering several factors that can affect the overall time and the budget. Let’s go through some factors that directly affect the cost of development of the fitness app.

factors affecting cost of a fitness app

1: App Development Approach

The cost to build a fitness app relies mostly on the app development approach. The cost varies from platform to platform. If you are going with a single platform like Android or iOS it will cost you more as compared to cross-platform because these apps consume more time and are difficult to build.

2: Features

The features within an app play a major role in deciding the overall cost. If you are going with the basic features it would cost you less as compared to advanced features. This is so because advanced features involve more complexity and the time taken for the same is more as compared to basic features.

3: UI/UX Design

Design detailing and complex screens automatically uplifts the cost to build a mobile fitness app. Apart from the time taken to build such a design, the prototype development cost is something that is different from the visual design cost and matters a lot in the overall price of a fitness app.

4: Country & Region

Country and region are vital elements when it comes to the final cost of a fitness app as the hourly rates are lesser in countries like India as compared to the USA.

5: Hiring Approach

Right hiring approach can save you a lot. An in-house hiring approach can usually cost you more as compared to outsourcing. So it is better to go with outsourcing and get your app developed through experts at a lesser price.

Hidden Costs: Apart from the costs discussed above, there are also some hidden costs like 3rd party tools, hosting & servers, security infrastructure, etc. that add to the overall health & fitness mobile app development cost.

Also Check: 8 Hidden Costs of Developing an Application

How Much Does It Cost to Create a Fitness App From Scratch?

When it comes to the total cost it also depends upon the hours spent developing an app. The hours may vary depending upon several aspects like features, UI/UX design, DevOps services, quality assurance services, and project management.

Although it is difficult to tell the exact price to develop a custom fitness app until specifications are discussed properly, still an estimated cost plan for a fully-functional app is prepared for your convenience based on hours. Hire a fitness app development firm today!

total cost to develop a mobile fitness app

It means the total hours to make a fitness app for one platform (iOS or Android) will be approximately about 1880 and the app will cost you around $75,200.

On the other hand, if you go with both Platforms (iOS and Android) the total hours spent doing so will be around 3085, and the cost for apps will be around $123,400.

Note: The estimated cost is prepared based on a $40/hr rate

Tip: It is good to go with basic features and then gradually add advanced features once you start attracting more users to your platform.

total cost to build a fitness app

What is the Tech Stack Required to Build a Health & Fitness App?

On-demand fitness trainer app development require a unique tech stack. They demand a blending of several technologies for covering different aspects as it directly impacts the durability and quality of the app.

Although there are many options when it comes to choosing the right tech stack as per requirement, here is a list of the most common ones that are used worldwide for health and fitness app development.

tech stack to build a mobile fitness app

Also Check: How to Build a Healthcare Consultation App Like Zocdoc in 2023

Hire Experts at Apptunix to Reduce Fitness App Development Cost

Gone are those days when people were more interested in doing other stuff rather than taking care of their bodies. With the advent of technology and the fall of heath on a global level, more and more people are showing keen interest in personal fitness.

Needless to say, a surge in health and fitness apps is a result of the same. But with growth in the market competition, it is becoming difficult to occupy a reputed place. You are required to build a fitness app that can help you stand apart from your competitors without compromising your budget. In this scenario, a fitness app development company like Apptunix can help you sail ahead swiftly.

build feature rich mobile fitness app

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

Q 1.What is the Minimum Cost to Develop a Mobile Fitness App Like MyFitnessPal or Fitbit?

Average fitness apps like MyFitnessPal or Fitbit will cost you around $40,000 – $50,000.

Moreover, if we go with a single fitness app (iOS or Android) that can help you beat the market competition, it will take about 1880 hours. So taking an average rate of $40/hr the app will cost you around $75,200.

On the other hand, if you go with both apps (iOS and Android) the total hours will rise up to 3085, and the cost for apps will be around $123,400.


Q 2.What Will Be My Role & Responsibilities in the Health & Fitness App Development Process?

After signing MOU, you can rely on us. We will take all of your headaches and will only reach you whenever there is a need to do so regarding taking your feedback & suggestions, sharing work progress reports on a regular basis, and some other such tasks.


Q 3.Can I Add Features of My Choice to My Fitness App?

Yes, you are free to give your suggestions. You can discuss with us openly the features you want in your fitness app. It is our sole responsibility to provide you with all you want in your dream app.


Q 4.How Long Does It Take to Make a Fitness App?

A simple fitness app will roughly take about 700-800 hours. But if you want to go with advanced features that can help you stand apart from market competitors, such an app can go beyond this time limit. If we talk about months it will generally take about 6 months. For detailed estimation, you can reach us and we will tell you the estimated time to develop a fitness app.

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