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AI in Fintech App Development: Use Cases, Challenges, and How to Get Started

615 Views | 1 min | Published On: September 14, 2023 Last Updated: June 3, 2024
ai in fintech app development

Artificial intelligence right from the beginning is a hot and evolving topic. It continues to gain significant attention in app development due to its vast potential. 

As technology continues to advance, user expectations are on a constant upward trajectory. Meeting these expectations is crucial for staying competitive in the marketplace. Today, users expect not just functionality but also intuitive and personalized experiences. This is where AI in app development plays a pivotal role.

According to Statista, the AI market is poised for significant growth, projected to increase from nearly $100 billion to nearly $2 trillion by 2030. This expansion spans various industries, including Fintech with trends like chatbots, image generation, and mobile apps driving AI advancements. Statista’s data also indicates a high global adoption rate in app development from 2022 to 2025. 

So how is artificial intelligence influencing fintech app development? In recent years, the fintech industry has harnessed AI’s power to provide personalized financial insights, enhance security, and improve customer experiences. 

This blog explores the future of AI in fintech, along with the challenges in app development. But first, let’s delve into how AI and ML are improvising fintech apps.

How AI and ML Impacting Fintech App Development?

In the world of app development, it’s common to mix up AI and ML, however, they’re distinct. Artificial Intelligence (AI) refers to a broader concept where machines mimic human intelligence. Machine Learning (ML) is a subset of AI, focusing on computers learning from data without explicit programming.

In fintech app development, AI can encompass various aspects, like chatbots for customer support and fraud detection. It makes apps smarter, enabling them to understand user queries and provide insightful responses. 

ML, on the other hand, helps apps improve over time by learning from user behavior. For instance, it can optimize investment recommendations based on a user’s preferences.

Basic Difference Between AI and ML in Fintech App Development

Artificial Intelligence Machine Learning
AI is a border concept ML is a subset of AI
AI includes various techniques like NLP, computer vision, and robotics. ML specifically deals with algorithms that improve system performance
AI often often requires significant human intervention and programming to perform tasks. ML relies on data-driven patterns, reducing the need for explicit programming.
AI is used in virtual assistance, robotics, and expert systems. ML is applied in areas like fraud detection and image recognition.

So, while AI brings intelligence and adaptability to fintech apps, ML plays a key role in their continuous improvement by learning from data. These technologies, though related, serve distinct purposes, making fintech app development services more effective.

Remarkable Benefits of AI in Fintech App Development

Artificial Intelligence (AI) has become a game-changer in fintech app development, offering a myriad of advantages. These benefits not only empower users but also enable businesses to stay competitive. Let’s delve into these benefits in more detail.

  • Operational Cost Reduction

Fintech apps, provide enhanced accessibility to a wide range of financial services. The integration of intelligent automation powered by AI plays an important role in curbing operational expenses. These cost savings are often passed on to customers, making AI in fintech app development an affordable alternative.

  • Boosted User Engagement

Prompt responses lead to higher user satisfaction. The Usability Engineering book highlights that maintaining a user’s attention for more than 10 seconds is challenging. AI facilitates instant query resolution, ensuring clients receive immediate answers. This enhances user engagement.

  • Better Payment System

AI plays an important role in overseeing user verification and bolstering payment security.

Take PayPal, for example. It uses ML to stop fraudulent transactions and provide personalized customer assistance to users. Square also uses AI to make payments faster and give users a better experience. AI is making payment systems safer and smoother for everyone.

  • Data-Drive Decision-Making

Forward-looking Fintech companies are using AI to reshape financial services, making them easier for people to use. In a competitive market where users have many options, fintech companies know they must use AI for smart choices. 

AI helps them study lots of data to understand how people behave and what’s happening in the market. This improves Fintech app services and products all the time. With AI they focus on making customers happy by giving them exactly what they want. This builds trust and keeps customers satisfied.

  • Refined Workflow 

AI streamlines workflow by automating repetitive tasks in customer support. This includes tasks such as gathering information and responding to common questions. By doing this, AI decreases the chance of human mistakes, making the customer support process smoother and more accurate.

Major Use Cases of AI in Fintech App Development in 2023

Do you know? According to the latest Economist Intelligence Unit adoption study, 54% of Financial Services organizations have adopted AI. These adoptions across various domains are exemplary. Some major use cases of AI in fintech app development include:

1. Automated Customer Support

Juniper Research predicts global cost savings of $7.3 billion in banking through chatbot adoption by the end of 2023.

With cloud-based call center software enhanced by AI, waiting times for operator assistance are a thing of the past.

Chatbot development offers great customer solutions, efficiently addressing inquiries in multiple languages, and accommodating fintech’s global clientele. This AI-driven revolution in customer support is elevating fintech services to new levels of efficiency and user satisfaction.

2.Robotic Process Automation

Robotic Process Automation (RPA) is a technology that uses software robots or “bots” to automate repetitive and rule-based tasks. As a result, users can access financial services more efficiently and securely. While fintech companies can focus on innovation and providing value-added services.

RPA can assist with:

  • New Customer Onboarding
  • Security Verification
  • Trade Finance and Loan Processing
  • Inbound Call Handling


AI algorithms integrated into your fintech application can analyze diverse data sources, from social media activity to credit scores, to offer valuable insights.

Through machine learning application development, your app can learn about your customers: their preferences, affordability, and even the words they use to discuss various products. This information enables you to classify customer behavior and tailor marketing efforts. Essentially, AI-based app development empowers you to deliver more personalized solutions to potential customers.

4.AI-Powered Financial Advisor

Much like chatbots streamline customer service, AI-driven digital assistants offer users financial advice and personal money management services.

These financial advisors analyze users’ financial data, including spending habits and bank statements, enabling better asset management. Leveraging Natural Language Processing (NLP) they study transaction patterns to suggest suitable financial products and services to users. This AI-driven approach is revolutionizing how individuals manage their finances and make informed decisions about their assets and investments.

5.AI Stock Trading

One compelling application of AI in fintech app development is AI-powered stock trading. Robo-advisors utilize AI algorithms to analyze extensive datasets and execute trades at optimal prices. These AI trading systems enhance market forecasting accuracy for analysts.

Trading firms leverage AI algorithms to mitigate risks more efficiently and deliver higher returns to clients. This integration of AI is reshaping stock trading, making it more precise and efficient.

6.Early Fraud Detection

Financial fraud remains a significant challenge in the banking industry. With the pervasive use of digital technology, companies are allocating substantial resources to cybersecurity. According to Deloitte, businesses typically invest between 6% and 14% of their annual IT budget into cybersecurity.

Artificial intelligence in fintech app development plays a vital role in efficiently identifying fraudulent users. These technologies enhance security measures, ensuring a safer financial environment for both institutions and their customers.

Bonus Read: How AI is Helping to Make Space Travel More Affordable?

4 AI-Related Challenges to Overcome for Successful Fintech App Development

Integrating AI into practice can pose a variety of challenges. Here are some common challenges to overcome for a successful financial app development:

  • Difficulty in Automating Processes

Unlike rule-based automation, AI relies on machine learning, where systems learn from experience and improve automated tasks over time. Therefore, it’s essential to pinpoint which business operations in your fintech startup can benefit from AI automation.

Integrating chatbots for customer support, enhancing fraud detection, and optimizing various business processes are a few examples. It can be challenging to automate the process without proper guidance.

This phase often requires the involvement of professional developers to identify the best automation opportunities through AI.

  • Scalability Challenge

Scaling AI technologies can be challenging, especially when dealing with large volumes of data and increasing demands.

For instance, a fintech platform experiencing a surge in transaction volumes during peak market hours. It can be a struggle to handle the increased workload efficiently. To address this, the platform can employ techniques like parallel processing, distributed computing, and cloud infrastructure to enhance its performance and manage larger workloads seamlessly.

  • Legal Consideration

In the financial sector, everyone must follow strict rules and regulations. If they don’t, they can face heavy fines and penalties. For example, if a company uses AI to calculate credit scores, it must make sure the process is fair and transparent to avoid giving unfair results.

To deal with legal and ethical concerns, it’s important to have strong data protection and security measures integrated into the fintech app. Companies also need to follow specific regulations, like GDPR or HIPAA, which are laws that protect people’s personal information. These steps are crucial for staying within the law and building trust with customers.

  • Security Concern

Financial institutions face significant security concerns, particularly regarding data protection. It’s crucial to establish a secure and dependable system to safeguard sensitive data from potential attackers.

AI algorithms should be designed and implemented with robust security measures in your fintech app. This prevents unauthorized access or breaches that could compromise sensitive financial information. Security must remain a top priority throughout the development and deployment of AI systems in the financial sector.

Real-World Examples of Fintech Startups that Use AI

Fintech companies worldwide are in a race to harness AI to deliver next-level financial services and solutions. Here are some startups that leverage AI in fintech:


Founded in 2011, Enova is a fintech company that leverages AI and machine learning to provide online lending and financial services. They focus on making credit more accessible and tailored to individual needs.


A startup founded by Kamil Kowlek, Canoe employs AI to automate various financial processes for businesses. Their platform specializes in simplifying tasks such as accounting, expense management, and financial reporting through AI-driven automation.


Zest specializes in AI-driven underwriting solutions. It is one of the fastest-growing US-based fintech startups. ZestFinance uses machine learning to assess credit risk more accurately. This enables lenders to make better-informed lending decisions.

4.Bud Financial

A UK-based fintech company known for its financial management platform. Bud Financial offers services that help users manage their finances, including aggregating accounts from various banks, providing spending insights, and suggesting financial products. The aim is to improve the overall financial experience for consumers.

We’ve explored the key facets of integrating AI into fintech app development. And with that, you have a strong foundation to embark on your journey towards creating an Al-powered fintech app. Now we must know what the future holds for AI in the fintech ecosystem. 

AI has already sparked a revolution in the fintech industry. It’s no longer an optional feature but a necessity for financial projects dealing with areas like credit scoring, customer support, and predicting financial trends.

In the coming years, AI’s influence is set to expand further. Use cases will continue to evolve, and AI will play an increasingly vital role in making financial services more reliable.

Remarkably, the financial market reflects this trajectory. The Artificial Intelligence in Fintech market is projected to experience significant growth, with an estimated value of USD 32.76 billion by 2030. This growth is driven by strategic collaborations in the market, and increased investments in advanced technologies to combat fraudulent activities.

The future of AI in fintech is brimming with promise. If you’re considering the potential of AI, there’s no better time than now. Collaborating with an AI-powered app development company can be a strategic move to help you unlock the opportunities this technology offers.

How Can Apptunix Help You Develop AI Integrated Fintech App?

In the realm of financial services, the convergence of AI is ushering in unprecedented growth and development. Seeing the transformative potential of AI in fields as diverse as space exploration and mobile app development, it’s evident that the time is ripe to take the next leap forward. Hire mobile App developers today. 

However, even with the immense potential of AI and automation, early adopters often question: How can they get started with AI to gain a competitive advantage?

Looking ahead, the role of AI in fintech will only become more indispensable. If you’re eager to ride the AI wave in fintech, consider partnering with Apptunix, a leading AI development company. Our AI and ML-based development services are unparalleled, making us the ideal choice for turning your fintech concept into a thriving reality.

If the thought of becoming the next fintech unicorn excites you, remember that fintech application development is the path forward. 

Frequently Asked Questions(FAQs)

Q 1.Is AI used in fintech app development?

Yes, AI is widely utilized in fintech app development. It plays a crucial role in enhancing user, experience, optimizing processes, and providing personalized financial services.

Q 2.What are the main opportunities for AI in the financial sector?

AI offers various opportunities in the fintech sector, including:

  • Credit scoring
  • Fraud prevention
  • Algorithmic trading
  • Robo-advisory
  • Process automation
  • Personalized banking
  • Data quality enhancement

Q 3.What is the typical development process for creating a fintech app with AI?

The development process varies based on complexity. It generally involves concept planning, design, mobile wallet app development, testing, and deployment. You must reach out to professionals for your specific project requirements.

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