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Here’s How Apptunix Is Trying to Flatten the COVID-19 Curve While Working Remotely

5072 Views | 1 min | Published On: May 11, 2020 Last Updated: May 13, 2020
Apptunix Business Continuity Plan

When the going gets tough – the tough get going! 

That’s something we learned in these unprecedented times. Global pandemics are known to throw wrenches in businesses from all directions and angles. But, at the same time, these pandemics create opportunities for many to grow and shine by increasing consumer demand for certain products and services. At Apptunix, we experienced the same. 

While a number of industries have come to a halt to combat the spread of the virus – we realized that ours is demanding more attention than ever. With a wave of digitization and mobilization disrupting all sizes of businesses – we experienced increased demand for our services amid the pandemic. 

And, being a leading mobile app development company, it is always of utmost importance for us to maintain the trust of our client by providing them uninterrupted services even in these uncertain times. But, at the same time, we have to care for our employees as well.  After all, our team is our backbone that helps us stand united and strong – no matter what. 

So, to do all that was the need of the hour – we made a few changes in our work processes a month ago. And the results are amazing. Today, we can say that the Apptunix family is winning the war against CoronaVirus by keeping the businesses of our clients immune and employees healthy. 

Here is all that we are doing to make the ends meet and the results we are getting:

Apptunix Business Continuity Plan to Win the War Against COVID-19

Apptunix and COVID19

1. A Shift in Our Business Model

In these gloomy times, the right changes in the business model is the key to success. Your business can stay afloat only if you redefine your traditional business model as per the demand of the situation. At Apptunix, we knew it even before the conditions became what they are today.

So, in the early days of March, we started analyzing our business continuity plan by asking various questions to team leaders of respective departments, like:

  • How can we ensure timely deliveries of projects – if our team works remotely?
  • Would it be possible for us to move our entire workforce online? If yes, how?
  • What tools will we require for the same?
  • What are the risks involved and how we can solve them?
  • How can we ensure our value proposition and customer-centric approach?

To find the right answers, the management at Apptunix conducted internal meetings to tackle the problems even before the nationwide lockdown was announced in India. And, within a week, the situation at hand forced us to think of new ways to evolve and deliver our work commitments. On March 10, we shifted our business operations online.

At present, our team of 100+ passionate developers is working tirelessly to serve the needs of our global partners. Fortunately, our remote work business model helped us in assuring zero COVID-19 cases within our team. All of our employees are safe and sound.

CoronaOutbreak and Apptunix

2. Respect & Discounts for the Healthcare Agencies Worldwide

While we all are working from the comfort of our homes – our moral values don’t permit us to forget the efforts of frontline folks who are playing with their lives to serve those in need. Yes, we are talking about all the HealthCare Workers around the globe.

Their support and work is no less than what a soldier does at the time of war for his country. We salute all the healthcare agencies around the globe for fighting this war and helping us combat the spread of this deadly virus. 

And, as a token of gratitude, we are providing special discounts on all our services (web or mobile app development) for such agencies that directly help the Coronavirus relief efforts. This is our small way of saying Thank You to them.

3. For US clients – Free of Cost Testing and Maintenance Services

As we all know, the US has recorded more than 800,000 confirmed cases of COVID-19 since the start of the pandemic – the conditions are getting worse there with every passing day. A number of brick and mortar stores are closing, many businesses are out of operations and people are becoming jobless.

And, 50% of our loyal client base belongs to the USA. A lot of them have grown their businesses by depending on us when it comes to technical support for years. So, it is important that in these uncertain times, we support them with all that we have. To do the same, we are providing free testing and maintenance services to our clients that are a part of the Apptunix family now. 

We are not charging even a single penny as a fee for testing and maintaining their apps and website. We hope this step helps someone keep running his/her business in these gloomy days. 

Hope for better days in the future! To Stay Informed about COVID-19 and its potential effects on the world – you can check out the following blogs by Apptunix:

4. A Flat 40% OFF on Grocery App Development

According to a report by CNN Business, many employees of the grocery stores in NewYork have died from the Coronavirus, despite having masks, capacity restrictions and temperature checks to protect them. As a result, a number of grocery stores are now either going out of business or shifting to the delivery-model only.

Also, the demand for grocery delivery apps in the USA, UK, and Canada is showing a sharp increase for the month of March and April.

Effect on Economy Grocery Delivery App

The local grocery businesses that as of now were operating offline are now planning to shift online by building grocery delivery apps. To help them in this sudden wave of mobilization – we are providing a flat 40% discount on our grocery delivery app development services.

5. Enabling 100% Touchless Deliveries In Our Solutions

Because of COVID-19, touchless deliveries are on a rise of 40% these days. Does that mean touchless deliveries are the new trends that comfort consumers in this difficult circumstance? We thought about it and found a YES in the answer.

Leaving orders on doorsteps or messaging your delivery driver an image of where you need your order dropped off – these are new techniques for users to get their orders as the coronavirus spreads. 

As a result, we have integrated touchless delivery features in every app we developed since the month of March. To help businesses stand strong in these tough times – we are even adding this module in apps developed by us for free. This is just our small effort to help the society in flattening the curve of COVID-19.

Corona Survival Plan

6. Helping Businesses Launch Tech Solutions in Just 5 Days

When the world is falling apart – we are helping businesses stand stronger using technology.

For this, we are offering white-label and customizable solutions that are being highly used and recommended for businesses globally. These products have the potential to support startups and small-business in running their operations seamlessly amid the current crisis.

Our solutions have the complete tech-suite for businesses so that they can do all they want at one place – mobile apps, admin panel, website, and all that is required. These solutions are ready to use and can be customized as per the branding of business within 5 days to hit the market ASAP. The price of these solutions starts from just $35,000.

Currently, we have these ready-made solutions for the following industries:

Work From Home

7. Our Clients Are In Direct Contact With Management

As mentioned above, right now we don’t have any positive case of CoronaVirus in our team. 

But, you never know when the situation turns bad or even worse. To ensure that our clients do not face any difficulties in the worst-case scenario – we have assigned two project managers for every project so that at least one out of them is available at all times and conditions. 

Also, a person from management is in the loop along with PMs so that our clients don’t feel unsafe and insecure about their projects and deals. 

Wrapping Up

The disruptions created by COVID-19 are hitting us hard. Economies are collapsing, joblessness is rising, and businesses are out of operations because of the developing vulnerabilities. 

But, as believed, the show must go on. For businesses, evolving and learning is the only key to success at this point of time to ensure continuity. And, that’s what we are doing at Apptunix.

Through this piece of content, we seek to tell our existing and prospective clients that if they are working with Apptunix – they need not to worry about their projects. We ensure our business continuity and timely deliveries for our global customers while taking care of the safety of our employees. We have all plans in place. Stay Safe! Stay Healthy!

Apptunix and Work From Home

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